Recent Projects

Empowering Women to Seek Justice and Support

At our center, we understand the immense challenges faced by migrant women who are fearful of deportation and hesitant to report violations against them, such as abuse, domestic violence, exploitation, and discrimination. That’s why we provide a safe and confidential space where women can access the support and resources they need to address these injustices without fear of repercussions.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to empower women to seek justice and support, regardless of their immigration status. We believe that every woman deserves to live free from violence, exploitation, and discrimination, and we are committed to helping them access the assistance they need to reclaim their dignity and rights.

We offer a range of services tailored to the unique needs of migrant women:

1.Confidential Counseling: Our trained counselors provide confidential support and guidance to women who are experiencing abuse, exploitation, or other violations. We offer a listening ear, validation, and practical advice to help women navigate their options and make informed decisions about their next steps.

2.Legal Assistance: We connect women with experienced immigration lawyers and legal advocates who can provide expert guidance on their rights and options. Whether it’s filing for a protective order, seeking asylum, or pursuing other legal remedies, we ensure that women have access to the support they need to navigate the legal system.

3.Safety Planning: For women in immediate danger, we offer safety planning services to help them create a personalized plan to protect themselves and their children from harm. We work collaboratively with women to assess their risks, identify resources, and develop strategies to stay safe.

4.Referrals to health and Community Resources: We maintain a comprehensive network of community resources and service providers that can offer additional support to women, including long term shelters, healthcare providers, social services agencies, and advocacy organizations. We ensure that women have access to a range of resources to meet their needs.

5.Empowerment Workshops: We offer empowerment workshops and support groups to help women build self-esteem, assertiveness, and resilience. Through peer support, education, and skill-building activities, women gain the confidence and strength to advocate for themselves and create positive change in their lives.

We believe that every woman has the right to live free from fear and violence. We are here to stand with migrant women, support them in their journey toward justice and healing, and advocate for systemic change to ensure that all women are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their immigration status.